Integrity Services

Move Forward with Confidence

People are the greatest source of risk in an organization. Whether you’re counting on people or organizations to serve as employees, partners, vendors, customers, or advisors, the adage of “trust but verify” could not be more prudent. The risks are simply too great to rely on handshakes, claims, or gut-feel alone.

The Lowers team offers deep expertise in the areas of vendor due diligence and employee background screening. We tailor programs to the unique risk profile of your industry and the nature of the relationship to give you insights that can help you move forward with confidence.

Service Areas

Vendor Due Diligence

The economic crisis, vigorous governmental enforcement activity, and the increased focus on enterprise risk are causing global corporations and their audit committees to take a closer look at how they manage and conduct their due diligence around vendor, distributor, joint venture, and customer organizations — defined broadly as third parties.

Those with existing due diligence programs are finding they have not kept up with the increased global risks of third-party vendors — particularly in the areas of antibribery and corruption — leaving many companies to wonder what constitutes a reasonable due diligence program and how much research and documentation are enough.

We help companies create an effective vendor due diligence program to improve their current processes and technologies to address the global regulatory environment.

Employee Background Screening

Hiring someone who fails to meet your standards for integrity, safety, and qualifications can put your organization at risk. We offer a wide range of employment background checks and background screening services to help you make better hiring decisions and manage your human capital risk. All of our services are offered with a strict commitment to legal compliance, accuracy, and oversight.


  • Streamline your screening and compliance process
  • Gain a more holistic view of candidates before you hire
  • Enhance workplace safety and productivity

Services offered:

  • Criminal Records
  • Personal and Identity
  • References and Verifications
  • Drug and Health
  • Consulting


Jon D. Groussman J.D.
President, Lowers & Associates Consulting
(551) 280-8762
Neil Watson
Managing Director -
UK Operations,
Lowers Risk Group
+44 (0) 203 968 8628
United States
Mike Hyman
Director, US Operations, Lowers & Associates
(540) 546-2138
Andrew Ballard
Vice President, International Markets
+44 (0) 20 3917 3790